345 Pre Production
345 Pre-Production
Story Project
This assignment made us explore the pre-production process and apply it to our very own story. This consisted of first creating Loglines and then presenting them. After picking the best of the two loglines, we then were supposed to create a character sheet, a story script and a shot list for it.
My story is kind of a reflection of where I was in life at this moment. It is about a greedy and content baby bird who outgrows his nest but chooses to stay and be fed by his mother even after his siblings leave. He makes an odd friendship with a caterpillar who turns into a butterfly and shows my how to fly. Another bird sees the butterfly and goes to attack. The baby bird bravely leaves the nest and saves the butterfly.
Here we were supposed to take our storyboards and turn them into an animatic format meaning adding sound and movement. This was by far the hardest assignment for me because I had never used the program Adobe Premiere before. So this was definitely a learning experience for me and did not turn out the way I would have liked. Because I did not know what I was doing it turned out to be sloppy. I should have given myself more time to learn the program and mess with timing. If I was to make changes to this assignment I would probably just start over and add movement to the characters. I would also try to find better sound effects because good ones were harder to find than I thought it would be. Adding more slides would have been ideal to show more movement but then I would have exceeded the time limit.
This was by far my favorite part of the process because I loved watching my story actually become a "real thing". I did struggle drawing a bit just because I was not able to draw much this semester but had a blast doing it. A problem I encountered was putting too much time and detail into my characters in the beginning for my storyboard. By shot 2C I decided to kind of change the look and go with a more simple style. I was happy with how my storyboard but I do wish I could have put more slides in further explain the story visually.
The point of this assignment was to plan out interesting scenes and angles that you are going to use in our storyboard. It also hows camera movement and shot numbers. This assignment also gave me a hard time. I got stuck on how to show the audience how my scene was actually going to look with the use of just props. Since my characters were birds and a caterpillar it was hard for me to find things that looked like them. I personally wished I was able to use my thumbnail sketches because they showed angles and characters better. That was the main thing I struggled with but because I had alreay drawn out the thumbnails, it made it easy for me to figure out the rest of the assignment.
Writing a script is all about the formatting. Learning how to format a script was not the easiest task for me but I tried my best to get it right. I honestly should have went into Office Hours to try and understand script format better because the online tutorials did not cut it for me. When I look at my piece, I do feel like it at least looks like a script even though there are probably major errors.
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